RHONY Recap: A Countess No More

Yes, guys, I’m back on my game. Sorry about that last 2 weeks! Anyway-on with the show.

At Sonja’s townhouse we see Frenchy making some coffee. He’s YOUNG. Sonja comes downstairs, bedhead and all, to see he’s brought her a poinsettia and is making her eggs. He asks if Tinsley will want to eat, Sonja doesn’t seem thrilled with that so sort of blows it off. She thinks that Frenchy is taking the relationship too seriously. Tinsley comes in to join them for breakfast anyway. Tinsley lets us know that originally she was supposed to date Frenchy but Sonja kept him for herself. Sonja offers up a threesome, to which Tinsley declines. So weird. Tinsley asks the status of their relationship and Frenchy says it’s serious, they explain the weird rules they have. Tinsley asks about Rocco-who Frenchy apparently knows about-and the ladies shriek. Subject changed to eggs.

Bethenny is setting up for her holiday party (a white tree??? NOOO!!) and is setting up an alcohol luge which is pretty cool and will probably be very popular.

Dorinda is stuck in traffic and wrapping Bethenny’s gift.

Ramona is putting on makeup because she’s going out with Avery and her friends, since she’s not invited to Bethenny’s party. She’s only slightly upset about it.

Sonja’s packing, and she and Tinsley are deciding what to wear to Bethenny’s party. Conner and Tinsley made plans to hang out while Sonja is in Phuket, and Sonja doesn’t like that at all.

Back to Bethenny’s party-prep and guests are in full swing as Dorinda arrives. There’s little lobster rolls and caviar. Dorinda asks the chef to teach her how to open an oyster, which brings tons of innuendo from this hyper sexual bunch.

Ramona is going out drinking with her daughter and her daughter’s friends. Tackyyyy. Know your place, crazy eyes. Ramona is beyond thrilled that the girls are all into wine.

Carole and Tinsley arrive to Bethenny’s party-Carole looks amazing and takes a luge shot. Tinsley does as well, but not as gracefully.

Avery reveals that Pellegrino is “her water”, and that growing up that’s what she called it. The girls are all reminiscing about growing up hanging at Avery’s house, and Ramona tells them to come “hang” now-they can bring some of their friends, she’ll bring some of her friends-it wouldn’t be awkward at all. One of Avery’s friends piped up “maybe your friends have sons they could bring” which momentarily brought Ramona back to earth.

Carole is luging it up! Bethenny and Tinsley are chatting about Ramona’s charity party the night before (Bethenny was invited but didn’t go, obvie). Showing scenes from the night before we catch a quick glimpse of a walking corpse-like vampire dude saying hello to Tinsley and Ramona. Whoa. Cue Ramona talking about Bethenny AGAIN. Tinsley asks Ramona if she’s coming “tomorrow night” (meaning Bethenny’s party). Oops. Ramona realizes she’s not invited.
Dorinda is still pretty upset at Ramona for trashing her house. Ramona remains unapologetic, as she often does. Tinsley tells Bethenny that Ramona says she regrets coming at Bethenny so hard.

Back to Ramona not acting her age-she starts telling Avery and her friends about her fight with Bethenny and says she lashed out, blacked out, and went on a rampage. One if the friends says “You shouldn’t have to walk on eggshells with a friend.” Ramona acts like that was the deepest philosophical awakening she’s ever heard, dramatically throws her body back against the booth and flings her napkin behind her (for someone else to pick up). She sings the praises of the super wicked wise 21 year old. The girl keeps going, seemingly on a roll, and Ramona is eye poppin’ shocked at her brilliance.She feels a “bond and synergy” with these kids, all the while flipping her hair like crazy.

Bethenny asks Dorinda if she went to Ramona’s party-Forinda says she did and said what she wanted to Ramona about the destruction of the room. Rewind to the night before, we see Dorinda confronting Ramona, who stands there smirking, and Sonja mocks Dorinda-those 2are the biggest assholes. Back to Bethenny’s, Sonja walks in as Dorinda is telling her story of Ramona’s history of disrespecting her home. Sonja’s talking head is complaining that Dorinda isn’t over it.

Dorinda tells the ladies that Ramona was minimizing her actions and just didn’t care-Sonja is rolling her eyes.

Ramona tells Avery and co how she destroyed Dorinda’s home, and thinks it’s super cute-she says “Dorinda is SO mad at me”. I’ve got a feeling that those kids know better than to do what Ramona did and think she’s an asshole.

Dorinda says Ramona just wants to ignore it-Carole thinks Ramona has been more aggressive. Dorinda doesn’t want this to be a Ramona bashing session. Sonja pipes in with saying how Ramona does that sort of thing all the time, that Ramona has trashed every single hotel bathroom she’s ever stayed in. So Ramona is a disrespectful pig. Got it.

Ramona is now making a drunken I love you toast to Avery and her friends-they’re ALL her daughters!

Back to Bethenny’s they’re drinking out of chocolate chip cookie cups, which is so cool.

Now we’re in Florida for Luann’s wedding. We see personal footage of her getting ready, her dress arriving-they show the actual wedding spot, which is quite beautiful.

Dorinda arrives for her wedding hair and makeup late-Luann thinks she was at the beach.Ky says she’s a hopeless romantic and she knew the first week she was with Tom she would marry him. Not sure HE knew that. We see Tom in his tux looking a little nervous. Lu’s talking head is gushing about her relationship with Tom-we see her in her dress and veil getting her makeup touched up.

Jill Zarin gets her 2 seconds of attention to wish the couple good luck. Tim is escorting his mom down the aisle, then Dorinda walks, looking beautiful.

***SIDE NOTE****
Wasn’t there some kind of stink where Luann refused to allow Bravo cameras in? Like at first she said yes, but right before she changed her mind? I thought I heard something about that. Which is pretty ungrateful since without Bravo no one would notice or care that she was getting married. Anyway…

Luann’s kids are walking, then Luann with her brother, Michael giving her away. The priest says a few words, then some sort of vows, then they’re married. They kiss, and she almost knocks him over. The kiss looks awkward to me. Her talking head then flashes her wedding rings “HA HA!!” Yes, Luann, you got the prize.

Tom and Luann exit a doorway into the reception with a really bad voiceover announcing them. We only see snippets of the reception, every guest’s face is blurred, and we see a Marilyn Monroe impersonator jump out of a fake cake. Lu is dancing with Tom and towering over him. The end.

2 weeks later in NYC Carole and Bethenny are in Chinatown for lunch. Bethenny is incredulous that Carole hasn’t been to a place like they’re at, and Carole just tells Bethenny to order for her. Tom and Luann are having a post wedding party for all of the uninvited, so there’s that, and Adam finally found an apartment, Carole is glad.

Dorinda and Ramona are having lunch at Dorinda’s. Ramona is getting all of the wedding details and actually being gracious. Dorinda is all set with Tom and Luann wedding parties-enough.

Bethenny and Carole are amazed at all of the different foods in ChinaTown. They go for ice cream, and despite all of the crazy flavors, Carole gets boring chocolate. Bethenny is unimpressed.

Sonja is ordering Conner to redecorate her bedroom to make room for Frenchy’s things since he’s sort of moved in. Tinsley discovers that tidbit and is pretty surprised. Sonja likes him but he wants to adopt kids.

Tom and Luann’s post wedding party for the uninvited (aka get more presents) is starting-Bethenny gets there 15 minutes late but is still the first one there. Since she’s the only one there she makes a crack that it’s a party for the only people that haven’t slept with Tom. Ha. Dorinda arrives, she and Bethenny agree that it’s enough with the Tom and Luann wedding parties. The bride and groom arrive, Carole does too shortly after. Ramona gets there with Avery, and complains about the venue.

Bethenny and Avery exchange pleasantries but Ramona and Bethenny ignore each other. Tinsley is there-with a date!! It’s 23 year old Chad! Ramona complains about his age. Avery is a very poised, gracious and lovely young lady. Is that despite Ramona?

I find it really strange how Lu hovers over Tom during group conversations. It’s needy, clingy, and weird. Tom is showing off his wedding ring and making jokes about it. He says he didn’t want to wear one, but Luann insisted. I bet. Sonja and Frenchy arrive, Ramona shrieks at their arrival, and Sonja introduces him to all of the ladies. Has anyone noticed the strange high pitched giggle/cackle that Ramona develops around testosterone? Watch-you’ll notice it. Tinsley tells Bethenny that Frenchy moved in. Sonja actually looks really happy. Ramona is cackling.

Dorinda and Bethenny are chatting and ignoring John, who I didn’t see either until Carole says hello to him. Tinsley comes over to talk to Carole and can’t wait to tell her she’s got a 23 year old with her. Carole is all like, well, that’s cool and all-but if you’re looking for a husband and children….

Ramona calls her “friend” Jim over and introduces him to Sonja. I think she just didn’t want to look man-less especially since Tinsley and Sonja both have dates.

Frenchy is entertaining Sonja and Ramona (cackle cackle)-she’s awkwardly acknowledging Jim-they’re dating but that’s all she’s saying. Sonja and Ramona mock Tinsley’s date saying he looks 12, which is ironic coming from Sonja.

Sonja introduces Frenchy to Tom and Luann, they talk wedding, and are all very pleasant. Tom then aggressively grabs Luann by the thrust sort of in a chokehold and kisses her. SO. WEIRD. There’s been a lot of weird this episode.

Dorinda makes a speech to make up for her first one in the boat where she drunkenly slurred her way through. Lu is hovering. Tom takes over the toast and talks about the wedding, making a jab about “true friends and family” being there. The comment does not get past Bethenny and Tinsley, who laugh it off.

Next week: Frenchy and Sonja talk their relationship and “those beeshes”, Sonja isn’t very honest with Rocco, Tinsley gets advice from Carole, Bethenny renovates to sell, Ramona defends her behavior.

Yay! I did it!

Talk soon Lovelies

18 thoughts on “RHONY Recap: A Countess No More

  1. I haven’t been caught up on this show until last night. That Ramona/ Bethenny meltdown was epic. We have all heard Bethenny say she is “DONE” before, so that remains to be seen. But I really hope she is. The fight between Sonja and Bethenny last season fell partially on Bethenny. She does have a way of exploding when she is pushed to her limit. However, Ramona is a different animal and one who can never learn from her errors. I hope Bethenny is really and truly done with Ramona, once and for all.
    Watching Ramona out with the fricking twenty year olds was painful. She is so fake. I absolutely loath this woman.
    I give Lu props for not inviting these co-workers to her wedding. All they have done is question Tom. Whatever is going on between Lu and Tom is none of their business. Period. Maybe they play around, maybe they do have an understanding. Why is everyone so fucking invested? It’s ridiculous.
    I thought LuAnn’s wedding dress and party dresses were gorgeous. She was radiant and I for one am happy for her. I also think Dorinda is a true friend and I do really think she is one of the nicest people in the whole HW franchise. (Buy the way… I made up a new nickname for her… Slurinda. Thank you. Thank you very much).
    Anyway, I am happy for LuAnn. I wish her the best. Also, loved seeing Jill Zarin back and on WWHL last night. Would love to have her back full time.

    Liked by 2 people

      • Nah… I can handle Zarin’s crazy way more than I can Ramona’s crazy. Season one towards the end of the season, Jill had a dinner party and Ramona acted like a fucking lunatic. She pretty much went off on Simon for being there, and then left early. Totally crazy train. And then when she was with Bethenny on the Brooklyn bridge just reaming her for no apparent reason, etc. list goes on. I honestly was surprised when they fired Jill rather than Ramona.

        Liked by 2 people

      • Ramona is pretty awful-she’s completely classless. Jill is conniving and diabolical though, plotting and planning? Telling ppl not to film w Bethenny? What you see is what you get with Ramona-a classless, drunk, inappropriate big mouth.


    • Glad to hear you got caught up Pip! Did you like the Berkshires this year? 😀
      How Sonja is advertising for backdoor-visits on camera while farting through Dorinda’s house is really beyond me!

      Liked by 1 person

    • Lol @ Slurinda. Long may she toast! 🍸
      I’m not buying Frenchie’s Peppy La Pew act. He is laying it on a bit thick “Oh, you Americans wiz your funny wordz” as he stands in the kitchen cooking eggs a la francaise with a blazer on with a pocket square. Okay, buddy, calm down. God only knows where Sonja found him.

      I’m with you about Lu and Tom. Seems she’s pretty damn happy and that’s her business
      Anyone else find it kinda strange that the globe trotting international award winning journalist had know idea what Dim Sum was? Sure Carole. So glad your bestie Bethenny was there to explain to you the inner mysteries of how to order a steamed dumpling in Chinatown.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Oh I can’t with Jill. She blew it for me with her last season, just over her. Ramona gets more vile with age-destroying Dorinda’s house and not giving a shit about it? What is wrong with her? And hanging out with the college kids-know your place, Ramona.


  2. Also, can you even believe that Ramona tore the light fixtures out of Dorinda’s guest room? She is so unapologetic, spoiled and thoughtless. I would have been done with her years ago. She repulses me.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. I’m so sick of hearing Luann trying to convince everyone that she and Tom are deliriously happy. Just STFU already – my personal opinion is that when somebody goes on and on like she does, they aren’t as happy as they are pretending to be. They are so awkward together. I get that she is just as sick hearing the others talk shit about her relationship, but the circle they run in isn’t that big so there has to be some truth in all the gossip.
    Ramona has always been an entitled, disrespectful asshole – it’s just getting worse. Look how she looked-up Heather’s place to see how much it was worth. I thought Heather’s Berkshire place was nicer than Ramona’s outdated Hamptons house, but Ramona acted like it was Section 8 housing. As obnoxious as Mario was, I think he may have kept her at a low simmer and now that he isn’t around, she went to a full boil.
    Sonja’s mean girl act is not a good look on her, she adds nothing to the show anymore. I’d bet my pinky toe that Tinsley was never living there, that it was a story line for the show. Tinsley was very well connected when she lived in NY, and she goes to Sonja Morgan for a place to crash? She probably knows at least 20 people who have apartments in NY that aren’t their primary residence that she could have stayed in, but she chose to stay in Morgan Manor without proper heat and hot water…..yeah, I buy that.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I agree totally about Tinsley-she mentioned last week how Sonja makes her keep the stuffed animals on the daughters bed (why on earth would she give her daughter’s room away when Luann’s old room is open?) I agree, she’s not living there, it was a way to intro her into the cast. Also agree that Luann doth protest too much-she sounds like she’s trying to convince everyone. I don’t buy that all is deliriously perfect in that shitshow of a relationship. Sorry, 2 yrs.-that’s what I give it. That might be mean and I don’t mean to be, but something isn’t right there. She hovers and clings and that smacks of insecurity and desperation. Ramona is just classless trash, and off the rails.


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