
Someone in our family of commenters, who has been with us since the beginning, emailed me with some heartbreaking news. She’s very ill, terminally, and doesn’t have much more time left with us on this earth. I don’t want to say who it is without permission, out of respect for her privacy and family-

But if you all could send a little extra love out into the universe, and shine your lights a little brighter, I know she’ll feel the love, warmth, light and peace.


Thank you all, my Lovelies.


32 thoughts on “❤🐿

  1. I’m saddened to hear this sad news about one of us. May you find comfort in knowing that all of us wish to wrap you in hugs and warm thoughts, knowing all that we have shared.

    Liked by 9 people

  2. Oh gosh, this post hit me in the heart. I’ve been missing some of our regulars that I haven’t seen post much. I know life gets busy. But terminal illness, I literally feel queasy. I’m so sorry. Whomever it is, my heart goes out to.

    Liked by 8 people

  3. Sending all my love and prayers! I wish you peace and strength. Spend your time with those you love, tell them your stories, laugh with them….this is what my uncle did with me, I know him better than anyone else, and I consider it the best gift he ever gave me.

    Liked by 8 people

  4. Ugh! I keep thinking about this person!

    I see NoLife, RiRed, Tben, JaneyMae, Incognito posted, and I feel relieved it is not any of them. I think of the others who have not posted, and feel heartbroken.

    Liked by 9 people

  5. Oh my what to say what to say…… cannot put anything meaningful enough into words. Just know whoever you are that we send you love light peace and joy. Wrap you your family friends in love. Wish I was better with words. Till the next time my online blog friend 💗

    Liked by 11 people

  6. I am very sorry to hear this, I wish you strength during this difficult time and I will keep you and your loved ones in my thoughts and prayers.

    Liked by 10 people

  7. Sending love, prayers, goodness and light to one of our friends who is in this situation. I only wish I had the right words that would give you comfort. We have become a very close group based on our past shared experiences. I know that I can speak for most of us in saying that we wish we could say or do something that would give you strength and make it easier or better for you. Words like “if I can do anything for you, let me know” sound so empty but if you need an ear, I am a good listener. Just know that you and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers and may the good Lord wrap His loving arms around you and keep you.

    Liked by 12 people

  8. That is incredibly sad. I too have noticed that some regular posters haven’t been around much. I was going to ask about one in particular the other day, she was one of my fave’s…I haven’t seen her around in like 2 months. This sucks. That’s all I can come up with because we feel so helpless when hearing news like this.
    I will be thinking of this person….I hope God takes really great care of her.

    Liked by 11 people

  9. I have no idea who this might be. In any case, my prayers have been said and I will wish for your comfort in body and spirit during this time. I hope you have loving arms around you and I will pray for strength for everyone in your life. You must be a fun and interesting person to have participated in our foolery here. I wish I had magic, sparkley dust to scatter in the wind to bring you a miracle. ♡

    Liked by 11 people

  10. My heart is breaking for you. I want to say something comforting, something of value. I agree with what everyone here has written. Hannah’s words really speak to me. I hope they speak to you too. We are all here for you. If you need to talk to vent to scream, please know this group is with you. You are in our hearts and we pray for you.

    Liked by 11 people

  11. Peace, love and prayers to the person. Hold those close to you tight, i can’t even imagine how devastating such news can be. Please know you and your loved ones are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Liked by 8 people

  12. Sending lots of positive thoughts and vibes and I wish I could write more. Allie, can you do something anonymously through you? Something? Anything? We could send some meals, get the lawn mowed, anything?

    Liked by 5 people

  13. This is why I love this community! It was built out of light, transparency and respect for others. We might have differing opinions, which we are free to express, but behind it all is a very caring, gracious and honest blogmistress with a huge heart, who gave us wayward souls a place to check-in and feel a part of something. I’m so sorry to hear this news about one of us. I’m glad they reached out to Allie…please do let us know what support we can lend. Sending you peace and ❤️

    Liked by 8 people

  14. I find that all too often at times like this, I don’t really know what to say. I feel sad and so sorry for the person who is having to come to grips with their reality, and also for the people that love them and are having to come to grips with their own reality too. I’m just terribly, terribly sorry.

    Liked by 7 people

  15. I can’t get this person out of my mind & heart. I completely respect their desire for privacy. If there is anything we can do, even if it’s via you, Allie…I’m all in.

    Liked by 6 people

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