A Little Of This, A Little Of That

Just a couple few things before I do the VPR recap:

Use this thread to talk amongst yourselves about whatever you’d like-just random stuff, have at it. 

I have to go grocery shopping in the morning because I was not feeling it today, so it’s bare bones ’round here. I had chicken and a box of Jiffy cornbread mix-hmmm. So cornbread battered fried chicken it was, and actually a hit. Wonders never cease!

I really enjoyed getting the Laguna “Where Are They Now” post together (it got a “like” on Twitter from Emily, one of the friends on Laguna-yessssss) so if you can think of any other show casts you’d like to catch up with-message me and I’ll do more.

Off to get ready for Vanderpump-
Talk soon, Lovelies!!


50 thoughts on “A Little Of This, A Little Of That

  1. I just realized Celebrity Apprentice is back on… My DVR was taping it and I didn’t even know it was starting tonight!
    Yay!!! Someone recap this, please!!

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      • It was excellent! Arnold is no joke and so much better than Trump was. Trump would ask a question and then cut the person off, he’d make stupid jokes… I hated him in the board room but loved the show.
        Anyway… yes, I would love recaps of this show!


      • I liked it too Pip! “Don’t call me Arnold!” All I could think is he maybe knows Lovitz IRL and wanted to draw the line for all of them. And I think he saw through the bullshit and fired the right people even if the right people weren’t brought to the boardroom. I would love recaps but I think VPR is on the same night? I don’t watch it but I think it’s priority for many.

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      • Now see, I had to reply to Allie to reply to you down here but replied to *you* to reply up there. Comments that are *not* replies go to the top now which I much prefer, no more scrolling to the bottom. Unless you’re reading replies…lol…get all that? I finally got the app, made the acct, followed the site but my new comment thingy appears to be broken although I really hoped it would help. Ah well. At least I learned how to gravatar.

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      • S’alright doll. Things have slowed down enough to keep up with just fine. Besides, I’ve never really done much w makeup–you’d laugh at poor selection of pharmacy goods. Hey…eleven bloggers liked your last makeup post!?! Quite a coup for our ‘not a blogger’–congratulations!

        Liked by 1 person

      • Lol…just read your other post — and discovered your ulterior motive for those makeup posts. Sigh. The crazy never ends, eh? Thanks for the welcome back, hon, it’s truly good to be here. Had to skedaddle for a few days, I’m sure you understand why.

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  2. I’m happy the holidays are over and kids go back to school tomorrow. I finally caught up on RHOBH and watched the Project Runway finale this evening. I’m still behind on Top Chef.

    I am tired of all the ham leftovers and hopefully will start cooking some real food this week.

    As for Christmas presents received this year, the most interesting one I got was from my sister. She got me a beehive. I need to take a good look at it this week to see whether to keep it or not. If I do decide to keep it, I need to order the bees this month, because they sell out fast. My sister told me that the woman who teaches yoga at the library raises bees. I just may have to start taking yoga lessons so I can pump her for free information.

    Did anybody else get anything interesting or surprising for Christmas?

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    • Not interesting or exciting. It was practical or makeup this year. Thrilled for the normal. Washer and dryer are here Wed. Tile has been put in the past 5 days in this rainy weather. I use the laundry room as the mud room and it’s no bueno right now. The dogs are little mud bombs and go in and out through the den instead. I’m ready to pull my hair out. He left me sealant for the grout I can put on tomorrow. Then we’re back in business.
      Completely relate to the leftovers, ham, mac n cheese, cookies, etc. Tomorrow it’s grilled chicken, steamed broccoli, and salads. I saved the ham bone though and may make split pea soup this week. I’m actually looking forward to a normal diet again. I would hate to see my cholesterol level. Lost track of how many cubes of butter were used Nov and Dec. Good bye to Thanksgiving and Christmas!

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  3. We don’t really do presents for adults in my family. My husband and I agreed not to buy each other anything since we got the house this year… so of course he turned around and got me a gorgeous jewelry set. It actually made me feel super guilty.
    I started my third round of Whole30 today. After the ridiculous amounts of sugar I had over the holidays, it feels sooo good to eat regular food! I did the meal prep last night; I made an egg sausage bake, twice-baked sweet potatoes, taco meat (I eat with romaine lettuce wraps) and fruity coleslaw. That will last many meals for me as I continue to cook regular, non-Whole30 food for my family.
    I had a “Woohoo Woman” moment today. Our crawlspace flooded and I got right down in the water and found out why. My husband helped fix it, but only after I got to work in the water.

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    • I’v heard about Whole30. How does that go for you when you’re on plan? I’m slowly sliding back into Keto my damn self. Don’t even ask how much sugar and carbs I ate over the holidays. I got some of those green and red Jordan almonds for Xmas. A nice, big bag of them. They were SO good. And I’m so ashamed. 😩 LOL!!!

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      • The worst part about all the sugary food everybody eats over the holidays is when you finally run out of the cakes and cookies and you end up suddenly going cold turkey. I dread that day. Happens every year.

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      • Yeah, they say it takes 2-3 days to burn through all your glycogen stores before you can go into keto fat burning mode. It’s like withdrawal symptoms, and they call it the keto-flu. Aaaaah!!!


      • I love it! My IBS symptoms disappear along with the stupid heartburn. My moods stabilize a bit. My hair, skin and nails all look better. That’s why I am doing my third round! All the holiday treats were sooooo not good for my system.

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      • Oh, I have always heard it as “carb flu”. Same thing, though. I am already super sick with a cold, though, so I doubt I will even notice it this time around!

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      • Low carb cleared up my skin. That’s all it took for me to become one of the faithful. I also believe it helped normalize my thyroid hormones. IBS is an even better reason to do it. Sometimes I wonder just what the hell they put in our food. It’s kind of scary.

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  4. Hmmm? Has anyone ever tried grocery delivery or curb side pick up? I hate shopping so much that I would seriously consider doing that, as long as it’s not too expensive and they don’t give you some lousy products that you would never pick out for yourself. That would be great, especially in a pinch when you’re too busy, or sick, to go grocery shopping. Lemme know you guys.

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    • Minky- I have used Peapod delivery service for Stop and Shop which is a grocery chain in Massachusetts. It is awesome because the delivery fee is only 6.95 and free for orders over 60.00. I wish they would add Trader Joes or Whole Foods to their service though.


    • I did a trial delivery with Instacart from Costco. It was great, products had about a 10% surcharge. They have since expanded to Whole Foods and Publix in Atlanta. So, if you a,ready shopped there you would be familiar with products and quality.


    • I did this all of the time when my kids were toddlers. Why? NO ONE WANTS A SCREAMING CHILD AT THE GROCERY STORE! Least of which ME!

      Pros.. No random purchases..like gossip magazines or dog food you store in the fridge and need to cook. (SERIOUSLY? COOKING your dog’s food. Um. No.) And less heavy lifting for the times you need to get dog or cat food and cases of water and bulkier items like toilet paper and paper towels.

      But.. If you like fresh fruit and vegetables, you can get stuck with some pretty shitty stuff depending upon the level of expertise of your personal shopper. And I am “Minnesota Nice” and I don’t like to cause problems (No. Seriously. I am and I don’t.). So I would throw away the moldy strawberries without saying a word of complaint. And there is some stuff I don’t want the generic version of or any other substitute. No Hershey’s will not substitute for Ghirardelli’s chocolate! And I want TIDE Sport scented and nothing else dammit.

      One more benefit I forgot – it would save you from being surrounded by police and having a panic attack and then needing to come to us for support. (Could. Not. Resist) No wait. That wasn’t what happened, was it? I have forgotten. Or I am not good at drama. Or I just didn’t care that much.

      Basically. I am sorry I could not help you make your decision Minky.

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      • No problem Every1becalm. I’m just asking so I can weigh the pros and cons. I’m very particular about laundry detergent too. Mrs. Meyers lavender scented is amazing.

        And I LOVE Minnesota people. A lot of you found your way to Los Angeles. A friend of mine is from Duluth. He’s one of the nicest people I’ve ever met!

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    • Minky, like Sharon I have use the Peapod delivery, it is through Giant or Stop and Shop depending on where you live. They actually seem to pick out the nicest produce/ products. The one thing I didn’t like was that they didn’t honor their sales in the store. Safeway has one as well. Oh I would love it if Trader Joe’s delivered. They usually give you a free delivery for your first try. Good luck!

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      • Thank you everybody for all of your suggestions and reviews. I’m basically just wondering if I can order staples that I regularly use: my supplements, feminine products, soap, shampoo, almond/coconut milk, sriracha, dry goods etc. I’ll look into all of the stuff. You guys are the best!

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    • I hear you!! I can’t stand grocery shopping. The only thing my husband would do around the house was grocery shop-I really appreciated it. Unfortunately he left a few months ago so I’m back pushing the trolley at the local Kings, lol. They don’t deliver so I’m going to give it a try at our local Shop Rite and see how it goes. I’m not keen on getting my fish or fruit from them but the rest I’m going to try, it will be especially helpful as winter is here in the East. I was thinking, they must put ice cream in a special thermal bag? Lately my son and I are addicted to ice cream sandwiches…so yummy.

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  5. I watched Celebrity Apprentice and it was ok, I liked it a lot better when Trump was on saying Your Fired! But I guess I’m probably the only one on here that misses him. Porsha really fought to stay was wishing she was fired but not happening! Oh well! Thought Kyle Richards should’ve been fired instead of Carnie😜 Couldn’t believe Arnold demanded to be called Governor 😂😂😂😂Peace! ✌🏼


      • Porsha had my favorite soundbite of the night — when “Guv’ner” his nephew and Tyra attended the challenge, her talking head stated that she didn’t expect to “have 3 eyes on her!” Oh well — counting must not be in her wheel house.

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  6. I have been turned on to MBTI recently. The Myers Briggs Type Indicator. Apparently it’s all the rage, and a lot of companies give their employees, or their potential employees, this test nowadays. It’s based on theories by Carl Jung, and there are 16 types, and whatever type you get is supposed to tell you a lot about how you work and organize your life.

    For anyone who’s interested here’s a good test that was recommended to me: http://similarminds.com/embj.html

    Apparently I’m an INTJ (The “Mastermind”/”Architect”) most of the time. I’ve also been typed as an ENTJ or an ISTJ, but always a TJ. After you get done with the test it’s fun to look up all the famous people or characters from movies and literature who are supposed to share your type. Have fun you guys!

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    • Minky! Thank you! I took this test back in the 90’s and the instructor at the time said I was the most feeling intuitive person he had ever tested.
      Thanks again! Off to test to see if life has changed me LOL

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    • ESTJ!! I also took this back in the 90’s. It was supposed to teach us that every individual is different and if we were aware of it, we could manage our employees better!! Ha! I went back to work thinking, “I am an ESTJ – and you peeps better adjust and learn from me” lol

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  7. Minky, my Mom uses Peapod for grocery delivery. I’m in PA, and the store they deal with is Giant. We have a room built onto our house for her, and I take care of all the food – but she is an eating machine, I don’t order enough junk for her satisfaction. She was giving me her list, but then I can see everything she is eating that she isn’t supposed to. I actually had a funny story about them last month, you would have appreciated it cause I was such a wise ass about how I had such a harrowing experience, and that nothing anyone else has gone thru was as bad as what I just went thru, and people couldn’t possibly understand how scared I was. 🙂
    The driver couldn’t find our house, when he did he was pissed and at 6:40 am was pounding on my door and yelling. It was dark out, so I couldn’t see who was at the door, the dog was losing her ever loving mind. It was chaos. I honest to God thought I was being raided for something, but had no clue as to what since I’m just a boring housewife. My Mom got her am and pm mixed up, so I didn’t know the guy was coming.
    She hasn’t had any major problems with what they pick out for her, but she doesn’t get meat or anything like that. It’s actually a nice service, despite the one pissed off driver that left bags scattered all over the porch. They usually carry your bags right into the kitchen for you. I think the first delivery may be free, you don’t have to sign up for anything, so if you don’t care for it after the first delivery – you’re not obligated to order again.

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  8. Romen- I haven’t seen you around in a few days, but I was thinking about that thread that was removed and your conversation with JahRi. It still makes me laugh so hard!!!
    Thank you for that! The whole thing still cracks me up!

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  9. Don’t call me Arnold, call me loser! My hubby asked if I would be watching, I can’t seem to let go what Arnold did to his wife, cheating, having child, etc.. he just grosses me out. If he was my husband, he’d been as Lorena Bobbitt husband was.

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